About us

JobsMarkt-A Better Place to Connect with International Jobs and Talent

Jobsmarkt.ch Ltd is turning the recruitment model on its head. We’ve removed the expensive middlemen from recruitment process to allow job seekers and employers to connect directly. Freed from the traditional gatekeepers, job applications reach the people that matter and get the attention they deserve. Employers benefit because they can source talent without the high costs of an outdated recruitment model.

Another way in which Jobsmarkt.ch Ltd is revolutionising the online jobs market is through the promotion of equal opportunities. In step with our wide ranging corporate responsibility policy and ethical practices, Jobsmarkt.ch Ltd ensures that people with disabilities can access the same job opportunities as everyone else, whether domestically or abroad. We also actively source internship and apprenticeship positions to help young people from all backgrounds to make a successful start to their careers.

Rapidly expanding professional network and recruitment services

From our head office in Switzerland we collaborate with regional offices all over the world to source new jobs and attract high caliber candidates. This job network is growing constantly, both in geography and industries, as more employers seek to gain the benefits of our low cost yet high quality recruitment model.

At JobsMarkt we have a lot of new innovations in development. This includes Hunting Gizmo AI-Recruiter with video conferencing tool, which has proprietary features specially developed in-house that speed up the recruitment process and the success rate of new hires.

As you can see, Jobsmarkt.ch Ltd is more than a jobs portal. We are your partner in improving the recruitment process for finding better jobs and sourcing the best talent from all over the world. For more information on how Jobsmarkt.ch Ltd can improve your recruitment process, contact us: [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.